
Our little boy Caleb doesn't need to be told twice when Daddy tells him to go "put on your boots"! He doesn't know where he's going, doesn't know how long it'll take or how much it will cost; All he knows is Daddy asked him to go spend quality time with him and that's all it takes for him to obey. We have heard the same request from our heavenly Father concerning adoption. We are embarking on this adoption adventure with Him not knowing the where and how; All we know is God wants to spend quality time with us and teach us who He is on a deeper level.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mon coeur pour le sien / My heart for His

"Je ne vous laisserai pas orphelins, je viendrai à vous." Jean 14:18

Quand je lis ce verset, je ne peux m'empecher de penser a ce petit garcon que Tu veux qu'on adopte. Je me sens tellement pas a la hauteur de cette vision. Pourquoi moi? Seigneur Dieu je ne comprends meme pas c'est quoi etre orphelin. Apprends-moi a t'aimer encore plus en m'enseignant comment moi aussi j'etais orpheline sans Toi. Aide-moi a prier pour les orphelins, donne-moi Ton coeur pour eux. Rempli-moi de Ta compassion. Brise mon coeur comme Tu es brise pour eux. Merci Seeigneur de m'aimer avec tout mes defauts et surtout mon coeur de pierre. Rempli-moi de ton Esprit. Enseigne moi. Fais moi gandir.

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18

When I read this verse, I can't help but think of this little boy whom you want us to adopt. I feel so inadequate, so small before this vision. Why me? Lord God I don't even understand fully what it is to be an orphan. Teach me to love You more by reminding me that I also was an orphan without You. Help me to pray for orphans, give me Your heart for them. Fill me with Your compassion. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Thank you Lord for loving me with all my faults and despite my stone cold heart. Fill me with Your Spirit. Teach me. Grow me.

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