
Our little boy Caleb doesn't need to be told twice when Daddy tells him to go "put on your boots"! He doesn't know where he's going, doesn't know how long it'll take or how much it will cost; All he knows is Daddy asked him to go spend quality time with him and that's all it takes for him to obey. We have heard the same request from our heavenly Father concerning adoption. We are embarking on this adoption adventure with Him not knowing the where and how; All we know is God wants to spend quality time with us and teach us who He is on a deeper level.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where are we? / Ou est-ce qu'on est?

So it's been 5 months since we've answered the call of God to adopt. A lot of you have been praying for us and we are so thankful for your prayers. This is a very long and trying process but our God can move mountains. So I thought that today I would try to explain where we are in this adventure and what's next.

Today we are getting pretty much all of our paperwork notarized (Thanks Dan!). We are almost done our dossier paperchase, a total of 25 documents. All we need right now are passport photos and 4 photo pages of our family.($30.00)

We have completed our home study visits and in about a month or so we should receive our home study report. Basically it's a 20 page document about Adam and I and the kids. ($1,050.00)

Upon receiving our home study report we will be filing an I-600A document with the dept. of homeland security for our little boy and we'll need to go get fingerprinted. This should take about one to two months to be complete.($830.00)

Then, our paperchase will be "done". We will submit our dossier and start to wait. Our agency will review it and send it to Ethiopia to be translated. ($7,700.00)

We are told about 4-6 months after submitting our dossier we will receive a referral. A referral is a picture, medical report and short description of our child. Once we receive that referral we will travel to meet our boy and go to court in Ethiopia. ($11,690.00)

After a few days in Ethiopia we will travel back home and wait for court to give us the "A-ok" to go get our child, that could be a 1-2 month time frame. ($7,000.00)

Hope this helps get you situated. Please pray as to what God would have you do to help out.

Ca fait maintenant 5 mois qu'on a repondu a l'appel de Dieu concernant l'adoption. Plusieurs d'entre vous prie pour nous et nous en sommes tres reconnaissant. C'est un procede tres long et eprouvant mais notre Dieu peut deplacer des montagnes. Alors aujourdh'ui j'ai pense que je vous aiderais a vous situer dans cette grande aventure.

Cet apres-midi nous allons faire certifier tout nos documents devant un de nos ami qui est notaire. Un total de 25 documents. Il ne nous reste seulement que quelques photos passport et 4 pages de photos de famille a ensuite ajouter a notre dossier.

Nous avouns termine nos visites pour notre etude de foyer. Dans environ un mois nous devrions recevoir un document de 20 pages expliquant qui on est. (1,050.00$)

Une fois ce document en main il sera temps d'appliquer pour un certain dossier d'adoption au gouvernement americain (I-600A) ainsi que de nous faire faire nos empreintes. Ces documents devraient prendre environ 1-2 mois a etre complete. (830.00$)

C'est la que notre "chasse aux papiers" s'arrete et que le moment d'attente commence. Nous remettrons tous nos documents a notre agence d'adoption qui par la suite les enverra en Ethiopie pour etre traduient. (7,700.00$)

On nous dit que notre attente pour recevoir une "reference" sera de 4-6 mois. Une reference c'est une photo de notre garcon, un bilan medical et quelques breves descriptions de sa personnalite. Une fois notre reference recu nous nous preparerons a voyager pour rencontrer notre petit bonhomme et pour passer en court. (11,690.00$)

Apres 5-7 jours en Ethiopie nous reviendrons a la maison pour attendre que la court en Ethiopie finalize nos papiers, ce qui pourrait prendre de 1 a 2 mois. Ensuite nous voyagerons encore une fois pour maintenant aller chercher notre garcon.

J'espere que ca vous aide a vous situer. SVP prier pour savoir comment Dieu voudrait vous utiliser pour nous aider.

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