
Our little boy Caleb doesn't need to be told twice when Daddy tells him to go "put on your boots"! He doesn't know where he's going, doesn't know how long it'll take or how much it will cost; All he knows is Daddy asked him to go spend quality time with him and that's all it takes for him to obey. We have heard the same request from our heavenly Father concerning adoption. We are embarking on this adoption adventure with Him not knowing the where and how; All we know is God wants to spend quality time with us and teach us who He is on a deeper level.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost and found / Objet perdu

Today I received and filled out our application for our home study. While going through my "American Dream" folder (my American Visa paperwork!)I found a piece of paper in one of the inside pocket; It was the instructions on how to adopt a child overseas! It's been there for more than 5 years and I didn't even know. Adam had pick it up while visiting a US immigration office for my Visa. When I showed it to him tonight he was really surprised and couldn't remember why he had picked it up. I guess God had started the work in us a long time ago. His timing is perfect and I'm glad He's taking us through life one small step at a time.

Aujourd'hui j'ai reçu et rempli notre requête détude maison. Tout en fouillant dans mon "Reve Americain" (cartable rempli de papiers important concernant mon visa americain!), j'ai trouvé un morceau de papier dans une des poche intérieure; C'était les instructions sur la façon d'adopter un enfant outre-mer! Ca fait plus que 5 ans que ca trainnait la et je ne le savais meme pas. Adam l'avait prit une journee que l'on avais ete a un bureau d'immigration pour mon visa. Quand je le lui ai montré ce soir il était vraiment étonné et ne se rappellait meme pas pourquoi il l'avait prit. J'imagine que Dieu avait commencé son travail en nous il y a plus longtemps qu'on le croyais. Son temps est parfait et je suis contente qu'Il nous dirige un petit pas a la fois!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Paper chase / La chasse aux documents

Yesterday morning (02/22/2010) we got a call from our family coordinator. She called to introduce herself and offer her help through the whole process. She sent me all the paperwork that will need to be done to prepare our dossier (a 4-6 months process). It's a little overwhelming but we need to take it one step at a time. So right now we start our official paper chase, and home study soon. It's surreal!

Lord teach me to rely fully on You in these next few months. Grow my trust and obedience in You. Help me cope with stress!

Hier matin (02/22/2010) nous avons recu l'appel de notre coordinatrice familiale. Elle appelait pour se presenter et pour offrir son aide durant tout le processus. Elle m'a envoye tous les papiers que nous devrons remplir pour batir notre dossier qui prendra en tout 4-6 mois a completer.. C'est vraiment beaucoup de paprasse mais nous prennons cette tache un pas a la fois. Alors nous commencons notre chasse aux documents et bientot notre etude de maison. C'est pas croyable!

Seigneur apprends-moi a dependre completement de Toi dans ces prochains mois. Fais grandir ma confiance et mon obeissance envers Toi. Aide-moi a vivre avec le stress.